The references relevant to VMC dose calculation are given below. The information given in these references gives a more detailed explanation of how VMC dose calculation works and what it can do.
C. Huet, J. G. Hunt et al. Monte Carlo calculation of organ and effective doses due to photon and neutron point sources and typical X-ray examinations: Results of an international intercomparison exercise. Radiation Measurements, 150, 106695. (2022)
M. Zankl, J. G. Hunt et al. Monte Carlo calculation of organ dose coefficients for internal dosimetry: Results of an international intercomparison exercise. Radiation Measurements, 148, 106661 (2021)
M. W. O. da Silva, L. V. Canevaro, J. G. Hunt and B. B. D. Rodrigues, Comparing measured and calculated doses in interventional cardiology procedures. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 76(4), pp. 439-443. (2017)
A. R. de Lima, J. G. Hunt and F. C. A. da Silva. Dose estimation to eye lens of industrial gamma radiography workers using the Monte Carlo method. J. Radiological Protection, 37, 852–863. (2017)
C. M. de Lima, T. A. de Almeida Silva, J. G. Hunt and F. C. A. da Silva. Reconstructive dosimetry and radiation dose evaluation of workers and public due to a Brazilian radiological accident in industrial radiography. J Radiological Protrotection, 42(1). (2017)
W.S. Santos, A.B. Carvalho Jr., J.G. Hunt and A.F. Maia. Using the Monte Carlo technique to calculate dose conversion coefficients for medical professionals in interventional radiology, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 95, pp 177-180. (2014)
A. R. Lima, F. C. A. Da Silva and J. G. Hunt. An overview of equivalent doses in eye lens of occupational radiation workers in the medical, industrial and nuclear areas. In. International Nuclear Atlantic Conference - INAC 2013 Recife. (2013)
J. G. Hunt, B. M. Dantas, D. S. dos Santos, A. Azeredo and A. Blohem. Twenty years of Visual Monte Carlo. In. IX Latin American IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection and Safety - IRPA 2013, Rio de Janeiro. (2013)
F. R. Cavalcante D. C. Galeano, A.B. Carvalho Júnior and J. G. Hunt. Comparison of conversion coefficients for equivalent dose in terms of air kerma using sitting and standing female adult voxel simulators and exposure to photons in antero-posterior irradiation geometry. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 95, pp. 158-160. (2012)
A. B. Carvalho Jr, J. G. Hunt, A. X. Silva and F. Garcia. Use of a voxel phantom as a source and a second voxel phantom as a target to calculate effective doses in individuals exposed to patients treated with 131I. J. Nuclear Medicine Technology, 37(1) pp.53-56. (2009)
J. G. Hunt, C. J. Watchman and W. E. Bolch. Calculation of absorbed fractions to human skeletal tissues due to alpha particles using the Monte Carlo and 3-D chord-based transport techniques. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 127, 1–4, pp. 223–226. (2006)
F. C. A. da Silva, J. G. Hunt, A. T. Ramalho and V. R. Crispim. Dose reconstruction of a Brazilian industrial gamma radiography partial-body overexposure case. J. Radiological Protection, 25 pp.289–298 (2005).
J. G. Hunt, D. Nosske and D. S. dos Santos. Estimation of the dose to the nursing infant due to direct irradiation from activity present in maternal organs and tissues. Radiation Protection and Dosimetry, 113(3), pp. 290-292. (2005)
J. G. Hunt, F. C. A. da Silva, C. L. P. Mauricio and D. S. dos Santos. The validation of organ dose calculations using voxel phantoms and Monte Carlo methods applied to point and water immersion sources. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 108(1) pp. 85-89. (2004)
J. G. Hunt, E. G., Cavalcanti, D. S. dos Santos and A. M. G. Azeredo. Voxel phantoms and Monte Carlo methods applied to internal and external dose calculations. In. 11th International Congress of The International Radiation Protection Association, Madrid, IRPA - 11 Proceedings and Abstracts. (2004)
J. G Hunt, F. C. da Silva and C. L. Mauricio. The validation of Voxel phantoms and Monte Carlo methods applied to external irradiations. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 108, no. 1, pp. 85-89, 2004.
J. G. Hunt, D. S. dos Santos, I. Malatova, S. Foltanova, B. M. Dantas and A. M. G. Azeredo. Application of Voxel Phantoms and Monte Carlo Methods to internal and External Dosimetry. In. 10th International Congress of The International Radiation Protection Association, Hiroshima- IRPA - 10 Proceedings and Abstracts, 1(1), pp. 78 –78. (2000)
J. G Hunt, F. C. da Silva, D. S. dos Santos, I. Malatova, B. M. Dantas and A. M. G. Azeredo. Visual Monte Carlo and its Application to Internal and External Dosimetry In. MONTE CARLO 2000, Lisbon (2000)